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Category Archives: photos by me

all saints day

all saints day, originally uploaded by Mister Wind-Up Bird.

It’s been a grey and drizzly post-Halloween in Vancouver.

The Parade of Lost Souls

ghoulish barker

ghoulish barker, originally uploaded by Mister Wind-Up Bird.

Ah, the Parade of Lost Souls, an annual Vancouver tradition. As is my attempting to take photos of it with a camera never really meant for low-light situations.

Mogwai at the Commodore

Mogwai at the Commodore, originally uploaded by Mister Wind-Up Bird.

Saw Mogwai last night, a band I’ve liked a lot since I first heard them on a Matador compilation in the mid-1990s. They put on a pretty good show, but as with their albums, it’s mindblowingly cool at first, and then you just kind of sit back and enjoy the post-rock rhythms for a while, and then you kind of get the point and end up turning on The Daily Show. So an hour into the set, I went home and did that.

Opening for them, though, was another band I like a lot, Fuck Buttons. I missed the beginning of the act, but what I saw fucking destroyed, to paraphrase Tyson referencing American Analog Set’s assessment of Explosions in the Sky.

A Public Servics ANNOUNCEMENT!!!

A PUBLIC SERVICS ANNOUNCEMENT!!!, originally uploaded by Mister Wind-Up Bird.

These appeared in my neighbourhood Monday morning, stuck to pretty much every available surface. Looks like the REPENT SINNER guy has competition.

(Close-up of the poster here.)

The Sand Brochus (+ one Sand Mahoney)

sand people, originally uploaded by Mister Wind-Up Bird.

I spent most of the past week with the family at Chesterman Beach, on Vancouver Island’s beautiful west coast. Oddly, while the last time I was there was the middle of last winter, the weather didn’t seem to have changed — there were just a few more surfers. The internet went out on the second day of my visit, but it turned out I didn’t miss much.

The reason for the gather is that my parents were looking at retirement properties on the island. House prices back in Regina have risen to the point where a large, middle-class home there can now buy you a small, unimposing home on the island, as long as you stick to the little untouristy towns on the east coast and don’t insist on a view of the ocean. At the risk of sounding self-absorbed, I’d just like to take a minute to congratulate myself on the number of people in my family who have followed me to the West Coast. The number is several, depending on whether you count Gillian as family. Well done, me. Well done.