Sometimes, I marvel at my own suckitude. So far, out of the tickets I bought for the Vancouver International Film Festival, I’ve managed to make it to two. The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema I got the time wrong for. Colour Me Kubrick, I decided after reading a bit more about it, was not worth spending over an hour on the bus for. Syndromes and a Century, I forgot my ticket for. Hana, I bought my ticket forgetting that I already had a ticket for TV on the Radio (which was a rockin’ show, BTW). Big Bang Love, I was dying to see, but I had to fix a very last-minute bug for in my work for the art gallery (that one was the most annoying). Woman on the Beach was the same night as the art gallery opening for the Emily Carr exhibit (which I ended up not going to anyway).
And so, at this point, what two films did I end up paying approximately $30 each to see? Renaissance, which was a gorgeous-looking, tedious mess of anime-inspired cliches; and The Root of All Evil?, which turned a promising show about a very smart man talking about important philosophical ideas into a series of freaks and soundbites.
I should really learn to plan things better. And yet, I doubt I ever will.
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
The No More Marriages! film blog has a survey on the best American fiction film of the last twenty-five years. Go tell them, and then come back and tell me what you picked. Or just tell me.
Seriously! If you’re reading this, I wanna know your pick. I won’t laugh. Just click that little where to buy provigil in malaysia [x] Comments link up there. C’moooooonnn. Please? I’m curious how you, my faithful fans, and therefore people of exceptional taste, will vote.
My choice, on the left. I defy you, my faithful fans, to pick a better film.
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Friday, September 22, 2006
I just bought my tickets for the Vancouver International Film Festival. As usual, there’s a lot of dreary-looking films about artists and diseases and camcorder-powered political diatribes, which… yeah. Keep it up, guys. Maybe one day we can finally scrub the last vestiges of cinematic art from art films.
The VIFF specializes in Asian cinema, but they seem to completely miss a lot of what I want to see. Are Kim Ki-duk and Pen-Ek Ratanaruang such household names that they doesn’t need their films picked up by the VIFF? They both have new films that played Toronto and I wanna see them, dammit! Not to mention Werner Herzog’s new movie with Christian Bale. Though at least that one, I’m pretty sure I’ll eventually be able to see.
In some past years, I’ve bought a pass and watched three to five films a day. But as you may have noticed, I’ve grown a little frustrated with the VIFF’s programming, so this year I’m just buying a handful of tickets to films I’m really interested in seeing.
- The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema. “Famous” Lacan scholar Slavoj Zizek tours cinema from a psychoanalytic perspective. Yeah, I know. Still, Zizek is a much more entertaining writer than his colleagues, and I’m curious to see this. I really like grand overviews of cinema from specific viewpoints.
- Colour Me Kubrick. John Malkovich in a fact-based role of a man who pretends to be Stanley Kubrick.
- The Root of All Evil? One of my heroes, Richard Dawkins, wails on religion for a while.
- The Host. “A mutant emerges from Seoul’s Han River and focuses its attention on attacking people.” Sign me the fuck up!
- Syndromes and a Century. Seeing this Thai film based on the rapturous reviews coming out of the Toronto film festival.
- Hana. With Afterlife and Nobody Knows, Kore-eda Hirokazu makes it into the ranks of Japanese directors whose films I’ll go see almost no matter what.
- Big Bad Love, Juvenile A. Miike Takashi, too, but for different reasons.
- Woman on the Beach. Another film getting raves from Toronto.
- Renaissance. Anime-inspired French sci-fi. I’m half-expecting a pretty, pretentious wreck of a film, a la Ghost in the Shell 2, and half thinking I’ll be disappointed if it’s not.
- Radiant City. A documentary about suburban sprawl that the festival guide is selling in the most obnoxiously simpleminded and preachy way imaginable? Word!
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Wednesday, September 20, 2006
I just saw The Descent. I’ll probably write more about it later, since it’s the kind of film I love discovering and recommending.
In short, fantastic. Probably the best movie I’ve seen this year (though my cinematic consumption has been way down in ’06). It’s smart and original and filled with subtle references to other films and unexpected twists. It’s one of the few horror/thriller movies that actually got to me — even before things get really hairy at the halfway point, there are moments of truly heart-pounding tension. In fact, there’s a scene early on with a woman squirming through a cave that is so freaking claustrophobic, I had to close my eyes. But it’s not just scary and intense, it’s also really good, which is also exhilarating in itself. It’s like watching Jaws. Not that’s it’s quite at that level, but it’s the same kind of feeling. Oh, and the photography is amazing — almost all of the movie takes place underground, lit my flashlights and flares, and it really feel like it.
All that, plus smart, ass-kicking, blood-splattered ladies in spelunking gear. And who doesn’t dig that?
Thursday, August 10, 2006
The main reason I’m working so hard this month is that I want to earn me some extra money to go travelling in Southeast Asia this winter. I don’t have a specific plan yet, but I’m thinking Thailand for sure, and possibly one or more of Vietnam, Cambodia or Japan.
I think the idea of going to Thailand entered my head after seeing the offbeat, but quite lovely Christopher Doyle-shot film Last Life in the Universe, by Pen-ek Ratanaruang.

Not that the film really comes across like an advertisement for the country, but it has such a dreamy, slow-paced beauty and strangeness, and hearing Christopher Doyle’s brilliant commentary track made me appreciate how much locations can influence films. I like that.
In that way, it reminds me a lot of Lost in Translation, which makes me want to go to Japan. But Thailand is a whole lot cheaper.
Plus, if all goes well, I would like to take an extended period of several months to travel after I finish my PhD in a couple of years. This will allow me to dip my toe into the water of more exotic travel and find out how I deal with being in a country where I don’t speak the language.