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Category Archives: haikufactory

never one to turn down a chance to express an opinion

Soavinandriana My me-time this past weekend wasn’t a total waste for the rest of humanity. I made a lot of changes to the site, and worked on the redesign. Tough questions were asked, like do I put a picture on my front page like an nerdy academic, or remain faceless, like a trendy blogger? In the end, I compromised, by putting up a picture that doesn’t look all that much like me. I’m a bit more of a CHUD in real life.

The big change, though, is that I used a few of the huge number of WordPress plug-ins to add info about my media consumption habits. Now you can see what I’ve been listening to, reading, and watching. I actually kind of dig it when I can go to other people’s web sites and find out stuff like that, so hopefully some of you out there will dig it here. I’m especially looking forward to having a forum to write glib little mini-reviews of movies I’ve seen, since I tend to do that on a pretty regular basis anyway.

breaking the site was the easy part

Reconstruction of my blog proceeds apace. Turns out when I exported my old blog, I managed to delete all comments, a fair number of the pictures, and some behind-the-scenes details that you don’t care about. I do apologize to everyone whose comments were deleted — a lot of times they were better than the posts they were commenting on.

If it’s any consolation, everything you’ve ever put on the web since about 1999 exists right now in hundreds, perhaps thousands of databases and its permanent existence is as certain as anything any human being has ever written. Not only that, but thousands of people are working right now to make sure that it will all be stored, recovered, copied and properly attributed to you. Forever.

It’s possible this doesn’t make you feel any better, but in fact kind of depresses you. Rest assured, such feelings are a sign of your own impending obsolescence.

New Host, Same Old Eric

Hey, I’m back.

So I’ve switched my host from which seemed to delight in randomly disabling scripts and breaking installations (and had no tech support) to, which I am fully confident is perfect in every way and will never cause my precious self a moment of stress or a word of complaint. Sure, it’s $3 more a month, but isn’t that worth it?

Moral: sometimes cheapest isn’t best.

At the same time, I switched my blogging software from Movable Type to WordPress. I have no good reason for doing this.

Moral: sometimes our motivations are mysteries even to ourselves.

I’m going to work on importing at least my most recent blog posts and get the site looking and working like I want it, but it will probably take a few days/weeks before I get everything going perfectly.

There’s no moral there.