Pinar de Chamartín 2014 was a pretty big year for me. Here’s a video I made about 2014.
Here are a couple of different versions if that doesn’t work: YouTube, Dropbox.
I shot and edited this video entirely on my iPhone using 1 Second Everyday, iMovie for iOS, Hyperlapse and Movie Looks HD. The song is They Won’t See Me, by The Field. Buy the album, it’s fantastic.
Previous annual posts and things I made: 2013, 2012, 2011.
0:03 Travel to Vietnam.
0:59 3rd Anniversary.
1:05 Wisdom teeth extracted.
1:37 Color Splash breaks into App Store top 10.
2:00 7lbs, 7oz of pure fury.
2:04 Meeting Mimi & Poppa.
2:32 Meeting great-grandma.
2:57 Grandma & Grandad.
3:38 Stepping in the ocean on Vancouver Island with Uncle Tyson.
4:04 Frank & Tashia’s wedding.
4:06 Cousins!
4:11 Tyson & Gillian’s wedding.
4:40 First laugh.
4:57 A very long plane ride to Australia.
5:01 Cousins!
5:10 Back to Canada.
5:17 40 years old.
5:46 Bill Murray.
6:12 “Ah-bah”