So the start-up I’m working for is in a converted nineteenth-century brick warehouse in Yaletown, which is an interesting experience. Yaletown, for those not familiar with Vancouver’s neighbourhoods, is the ultra-trendy downtown yuppie neighbourhood, a high-density mixture of expensive condos, tech start-ups, tony fashion boutiques and chic restaurants. It would be pretty hypocritical of me to denounce it, given that I work there and all, but I buy Pregabalin tablets will say that the Yaletown lifestyle looks… exhausting. Physically, financially and quite possibly spiritually.
And frankly, it makes me feel underdressed in my grad-student uniform of sandals, shorts and thrift-shop shirts.
On the plus side, it is definitely one of the more successful examples of urban regeneration and mixed-use, high-density living. If you live there, you’re in easy walking distance of dozens of restaurants and bars and a huge variety of shops. Being more Main Street than Mainland Street, it might not be a place I would ever want to live, but a lot of people obviously do, and it’s cool to see a viable alternative to suburban sprawl and freeways.