The ancient celts supposedly believed that on Halloween, burial mounds would open up and spirits could cross back and forth from their world to ours. I like that a lot more than store-bought cartoon ghosts in the window, so this All Hallow’s Eve at buy Lyrica generic die Kommune, we decided to paganize things up a bit with sacrificial pumpkins and stick men spirits all over the yard.
Not that it has anything to do with actual celtic belief, it’s just that I love the idea of Halloween’s primal, pagan undercurrent, and the dark, fall-inspired creativity of the holiday. Usually I get that out of my system with the Parade of Lost Souls, but since it was canceled this year, I had to do it all myself with zombie costumes and creepy yard decorations.
Link (via my flickr photostream). You can also check out my I (heart) Halloween photo set on flickr, which I suspect will get more pics added to it over the next day or two…
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[…] Though unlike last year, I don’t think the kommune decorations will extend beyond our family of jack-o-lanterns. There aren’t even any parties I’m especially interested in going to, which would make 2006 the first in many a year I didn’t slather on the latex and fake blood. « when metalheads write encyclopedia articles | […]