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Tag Archives: Kanchaniburi

Breakfast On The River Kwai

Breakfast On The River Kwai, originally uploaded by Mister Wind-Up Bird.

Kanchanaburi is the kind of place you could plan to visit for a couple of days and end up staying a couple of weeks.  About two hours from Bangkok by bus, but a world away in terms of pace, it’s a town whose tourism industry is built on, of all things, the infamous bridge on the River Kwai.  Of course, there are other things to do, as well, including sitting on a bamboo patio drinking coffee while reading the Lonely Planet Cambodia and watching the river go by.  Also, cooking classes.  We took an all-day Thai cooking class and learned how to make spicy pork salad, tom yum and green curry, as well as the theory of Thai cuisine.  Definitely a day well-spent.  We are well-equipped to be the heroes of the next pot-luck we are invited to.

It would be fun to stay two weeks, but Janelle has more dental work back in Bangkok (more!) to squeeze in before our visas run out.  We’re making a dash for the Cambodian border on Friday.  

The border itself, we hear, is a mad, lawless, Mos Eisley kind of place without the charm.  But that’s for another blog post.