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Category Archives: worio

Worio on TechCrunch!

A couple of days late, but I just wanted to brag that on Friday, Worio was featured on TechCrunch. We’re all very proud. I don’t have much to add, except to say if you’re curious about what Worio does (and how it does it), the article is probably the best explanation of our product available.

Worio Public Beta is out!


At long last, I can reveal what I’ve been working on for the past year: the public beta version of!

Worio combines search and recommendation with the philosophy that user effort should be kept to a minimum. You can simply use your favourite existing search engine, or Worio’s own, and receive recommendations based on the context of your search. But if you start to save, share and tag pages, Worio learns about your preferences and recommends pages it predicts how to buy prednisone from canada you, personally, will be interested in.

Last week we had a combined beta release/demo at the 2008 NIPS conference at the Vancouver Hyatt, complete with Worio t-shirts foisted on everyone in range. The entire Worio Machine Learning team was there, and we were pleased with the response. NIPS is one of the most important Machine Learning conferences, and I know from personal experience that people are not shy about telling you if they don’t like your work.

Even if you’ve tried Worio in its previous incarnations, you might want to check it out again. It’s still in beta, but we’ve come a long way in just a few months. Suggestions and feature requests are most welcome.