Sunday, February 19, 2012
Getting ready to go out to celebrate our first anniversary. Damn, we look dashing.
(Not shown: New Zealand tummies from eating large amounts of New Zealand lamb and snapper and beef and bacon and venison and sheep cheese and mushrooms and apricots and meat pies and avocados and fish & chips and lamingtons and also large quantities of New Zealand wine and beer and flat whites.)
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Attended Webstock last week. While geared toward web developers, most of the talks were actually at a very high level — lots of emphasis on how generally to think about tech and design. More relevant to my work that I might have expected, and actually pretty motivational. Inspirational, even. (Though if I’d had to hear one more time about how gosh darned special it was to be a geek and how that affected everything I thought, said and did, I would have bitten the head off a chicken.)
Also, short shameful confession: during the conference, I stood next to Matthew “The Oatmeal” Inman in line for coffee. I tried to think of something to say other than “I luvz your work, dude!” Turns out I couldn’t, and I was secretly relieved when he got his coffee and left.
Also filed in
Whew. It took almost two weeks, but I’m almost done uploading pictures from my visit to New Zealand. This is the route I took, starting in Dunedin, and ending in Auckland 16 days later.
As an extra added bonus, you can click on many of the place names on the map and go to my photos of said place. Isn’t that neat?
Yes, yes, you’re welcome.
Link (to larger, but non-clickable version of the map).
Or, skip this whole clickymap thing and go straight to my New Zealand photoset, or all my New Zealand blog posts.
A mosaic of the New Zealand pics I’ve posted on Flickr. It was quite a bit of work whittling down the hundreds I took. And I have several panorama to post as well, should I manage to get some stitching software up and running.
Links to photoset, slideshow.
Well, I made it back to Vancouver, trading my shorts and sandals for a wool overcoat and umbrella. I would have loved nothing so much as to stay in New Zealand another week/month/year, but I comforted myself with the thought that I will certainly be taking another trip there one day, hopefully not too distant in the future. And for longer next time. There were several places I stayed a few hours or a day I would like to stay for longer, and other places I wanted to see but didn’t.
I posted a bunch of pics on Flickr today, though I still have plenty to sort through. After that, I want to post a little write-up of my trip while I still have that post-holiday glow about me.
My only real regret about my travel is that I didn’t go to NZ first and then done the summer school. I was highly motivated by the school at the time, but now… let’s just say it’s gonna be hard going back to work.