Oh my, yes. Mark your calendars, boys and girls: August 25, 2007, at the Vancouver Art Gallery.
The original 2005 Zombie Walk was a blast: 200 zombies shuffling through Pacific Center mall and taking the Skytrain to Main Street. Last year, I skipped it to go the the Flugtag, which was kind of disappointing, especially when afterward, I could see zombies trickling home on the Skytrain. But this year, I’m back, and more putrefied than ever.
Spread the word. (Also, you can all stop emailing me about this now!)
Damned. You are newly dead. Perhaps by my bite or by something more natural — maybe something airborne. The how is not so much as important as the why. What matters is that YOU have been chosen. You are one of ours. One of us. The awakening sleep. The living dead. Vancouver zombies, I call upon you to unite. And to walk.
Birthed from the underground, our movement is slowly stumbling forward. Each year our numbers double and hundreds more Vancouverites fall in our wake. They are paying attention now, and they fear us. Aberrations — they call us freaks. Famished, we seek not fame, just brains. We are oh so hungry.
Damned! We are unorganized. We are organic. And yet, this summer we stand as one. On August 25th we will limp forward, mobilized as a solid rambling mob. In our torn clothing and with blood spilling from our open wounds we will take Vancouver’s West End by surprise. From the Vancouver Art Gallery we will march.
Spread the word, however you like. Bring your zombie friends.
On Saturday, August 25th we feed.
update: If anybody knows what time the walk starts, email me or leave a message and I’ll post it.